Is Your Dog Feeling Cooped Up? How To Ensure Safe Walks During The Current Health Crisis

If you have a dog, they may be feeling the effects of the current stay-at-home directives. This is especially true if your dog is used to getting outside and spending time at the dog parks in your area. Dog parks may be closed right now, but that shouldn't stop you from taking your dog outside for some fresh air. A brisk walk each day will benefit both of you. Here are some steps you can take to protect you and your dog during this pandemic. 

Choose the Right Location

When it comes to walking your dog right now, it's important that you choose the right location. If there are walking paths in your area, choose one that's less traveled by fellow dog walkers. It's difficult to practice safe social distancing when the walking paths are crowded with people. If there are no walking paths in your area, take your dog on a walk through your neighborhood at least once a day. Walking through your neighborhood will give you both some fresh air. 

Invest in Foot Protection

While you're walking your dog during the current health crisis, you need to provide proper foot protection. You don't want your dog to track the coronavirus into your home. Unfortunately, that's what can happen if your dog's feet aren't protected. Invest in foot covers for your dog. Each time you go out for a walk, place them on your dog. When you get home, take the covers off your dog's feet and toss them in the washing machine. That way, they'll be clean and sanitary for your next walk. 

Provide Daily Baths

If you're going to be taking your dog out for walks during the covid-19 pandemic, be sure to provide daily baths. Germs and bacteria can hide on your dog's fur and skin. Unfortunately, those germs can pass on to you through physical contact. Protect yourself from infection. Give your dog a bath after each walk. It's also important that you enforce the no-petting rule during your walks. You don't want an infected person to pet your dog.

Continue Healthcare

You want to make sure that your dog remains healthy during this current health crisis. To do that, you need to continue with their routine healthcare. Make sure that your dog is current on their vaccinations. If your dog develops any health-related problems, such as a cough or runny nose, contact your veterinarian right away.

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About Me

Vets Show Compassion and Offer Great Care Did you know that in order to become a veterinarian, a person needs to earn a four-year degree, and then spend an additional four years in veterinary school? By the time they are finished with all of this education, they are well prepared to offer your animals the best care. You can count on vets to treat your pets with kindness and compassion. They'll provide preventative care like vaccines, make recommendations for food and other products to keep your pet in good health, and offer treatment when your pet becomes ill. We are thankful for the work of vets, and we discuss that work in more depth throughout this blog.

